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The mission of the Stormwater Division is to protect public health and the beneficial uses of our receiving waters by providing efficient and economical collection and conveyance of our stormwater run off.  Through a dedicated effort to educate, enforce and comply with environmental regulations, our staff is committed to the preservation and protection of the water environment and our natural resources.
Stormwater runoff is the cause of 70% of all runoff pollution today.  When it rains, stormwater runoff collects fertilizers, pesticides, leaked vehicle fluids like motor oil and antifreeze, pet waste, litter, and more.  Once it enters the storm drains, this polluted runoff is discharged directly into the river without ever being treated.  It is the goal of the City of Scottsbluff to increase the public's awareness of stormwater pollution, in hopes that our residents will start taking actions to help prevent stormwater pollution.  The picture below is a common sight in many neighborhoods in Scottsbluff.

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Once those pollutants enter the storm drain, they don't just disappear.  They are carried directly to our waterways. 

There are many things that every resident can do to reduce stormwater pollution.  Some of these include:

Picking up after pets
Keeping vehicles well maintained
When applying fertilizer or pesticides, always read and follow application instructions.  Do not over-apply chemicals.
Pick up litter and NEVER throw trash in a storm drain
Another way residents can help improve water quality is to plant a rain garden.  A rain garden is a lansdcaped area that is planted in a depression.  Runoff from a roof, driveway, or street can be directed to this area, where the runoff will be pooled and allowed to soak into the ground.  This helps prevent polluted runoff from ever reaching our waterways.  The pictures below show a demonstration rain garden located at the Scottsbluff Public Safety Building located on the corner of Avenue B and 19th Street.

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For more information on rain gardens or other ways you can help prevent stormwater pollution, please visit
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